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Climate action on your field

We're revolutionizing agriculture through Enhanced Rock Weathering

Aeroc uses the power of nature to establish farmers as pioneers in climate protection.

Reduce costs, increase yields and generate an additional income with our Enhanced Rock Weathering technology.

The benefits of Enhanced Rock Weathering


Increased yield and soil improvement

Increased yield and soil improvement


Permanent and safe CO₂ storage

Permanent CO2 binding


Natural and sustainable process

Natural process


Additional income for your farm

Additional income


Use of existing processes & machines

Existing machines
Agricultural work with tractors, autumn work in the field..jpg

A natural process - accelerated to save the climate

Enhanced Rock Weathering (ERW) permanently removes CO₂ from the atmosphere by spreading rock powder on agricultural land. The rock powder reacts with the CO₂ in the soil and forms bicarbonates, which accelerates the natural rock weathering process from centuries and millennia to months and years.

How Enhanced Rock Weathering works


Crushing the rock

First, the selected rock, typically basalt, is crushed to increase the specific surface area for chemical reactions. This process step takes place in quarries near your farm. The rock powder is then transported to your field. Aeroc takes care of the entire logistics from procurement to delivery of the material.


Application on agricultural land

The rock powder is spread on the field by farmers or contractors. Additionally, the application of the rock dust can replace liming, as basalt also increases the soil’s pH level.


Chemical reaction and carbon capture

After application, the rock dust reacts with the CO₂ present in the soil and ambient air. This reaction results in the formation of bicarbonates, which sequesters CO₂ from the atmosphere and releases valuable plant nutrients in the process.​


Creation of CO₂-negative certificates

The measurement and verification of the captured CO₂ is the core element of the ERW process. Using the latest measurement technology and simulation models, it is possible to determine how much CO₂ is removed from the atmosphere each year after the rock powder is spread. In cooperation with certification companies and in compliance with strict guidelines, negative CO₂ certificates can be generated that enable companies and countries to recover their unavoidable CO₂ emissions.


Your partner in agriculture

We help you to increase the profitability of your farm

Rock powder such as basalt has been used in agriculture for thousands of years to improve soils and increase yields. Additionally, the ERW technology enables us to store large amounts of CO₂. Aeroc helps farmers to generate an additional income based on a participation model and reduce running costs by spreading basalt on their fields.

Our team

Get in touch

Aeroc GmbH

Iltisstr. 9

50825 Cologne, Germany

+49 176 47725673

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